6 Mile Hex Map - Baltic Region - Worldographer v0.4 (WIP)

I'm making this map for pre-Modern scenarios, roughly from 500 to 1500 AD using Worldographer.

In this latest version I've added some more biomes and types of vegetation such as grassy plains, wooded swamps, hills, denser woods and forests.

I'm having to do a lot of guess work about the placement of these types of features. As you can see I'm trying to simulate the Northern European Plain and the swamps of the Baltic countries. I don't know if the South East of the map should feature some Steppe features?

As always, let me know if you have any suggestions or resources for the placement of forests, swamps, grasslands and other terrain features.

You can download the latest Worldographer file here


The map is based on the one found in the article below (scroll down) and covers the area from Stockholm in the North-West to Novgorod in the North-East and down to Minsk and Smolensk in the East.

Rewilding: Lessons from the Medieval Baltic Crusades


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