The Siege of Buhr Naurtaja - Darkening of Mirkwood - TOR 2e - Solo Game
The Siege of Buhr Naurtaja (Original adventure, randomly generated) The Player Characters Hallas: Elf of Mirkwood, Captain Sigibert: Woodman, Champion 2946: 23rd of July Adventure Phase The horses are tied up somewhere inconspicuously. Hallas will try to climb over the palisade and seek help for Sigibert. ( Athletics, spent hope and got a success with a Tengwar ) Hallas will creep through the town to find someone to speak to. ( Stealth, success with a Tengwar ) Hallas silently moves through the town, avoiding any guards. He wants to reveal himself on his own terms. Hallas finds what looks like a little guard house with some guards sitting around an open fire. From listening in to the conversation he ascertains that one of them has a higher rank. ( Scan ) He steps out into the shadow, startling the guards who jump up and ready their spears shouting at him to identify himself. ( Persuade, spent hope, two Tengwar's). The guards and the leader are startled but quickly won...