
Showing posts from December, 2024

The Siege of Buhr Naurtaja - Darkening of Mirkwood - TOR 2e - Solo Game

The Siege of Buhr Naurtaja   (Original adventure, randomly generated) The Player Characters Hallas: Elf of Mirkwood, Captain Sigibert: Woodman, Champion 2946: 23rd of July Adventure Phase The horses are tied up somewhere inconspicuously. Hallas will try to climb over the palisade and seek help for Sigibert. ( Athletics, spent hope and got a success with a Tengwar ) Hallas will creep through the town to find someone to speak to. ( Stealth, success with a Tengwar ) Hallas silently moves through the town, avoiding any guards. He wants to reveal himself on his own terms. Hallas finds what looks like a little guard house with some guards sitting around an open fire.  From listening in to the conversation he ascertains that one of them has a higher rank. ( Scan ) He steps out into the shadow, startling the guards who jump up and ready their spears shouting at him to identify himself. ( Persuade, spent hope, two  Tengwar's). The guards and the leader are startled but quickly won...

The Wolves of Rosfen - Darkening of Mirkwood - TOR 2e - Solo Game

The Wolves of Rosfen  (Original adventure, randomly generated) The Player Characters Hallas: Elf of Mirkwood, Captain Sigibert: Woodman, Champion Photo Source 2946: 23rd of June Adventure Phase The AbrĂ©lind tell the Fellowship how to get to the Old Dwarf Road which will bring us to Rosfen and Lach Celduin so that they can continue on their mission. Note: When undertaking a journey I set the travel roles as follows: Sigibert: Guide and Hunter Hallas: Scout and Look-ou t Hallas and Sigibert follow the Old Dwarf Road and travel swiftly through a landscape of grasslands and sparse forests and and low rolling hills. On the 28th of June Sigibert awkwardly slips when dismounting his horse and twists his ankle. He will need a couple of days rest to fully recuperate. On the 30th of June Hallas finds is having difficulty hunting for food. The land seems strangely bereft of animals and it weighs heavy on Hallas' mind. They arrive at the village of Rosfen where about 500 people live. There are...

Shadow Over Dale - Darkening of Mirkwood - TOR 2e - Solo Game

Shadow Over Dale  (Based on the fan made adventure: Shadow Over Dale ) The Player Characters Hallas: Elf of Mirkwood, Captain Sigibert: Woodman, Champion Photo Source 2946: 10th of June Adventure Phase The King of Dale wants to invite representatives from the Upper and Nether Marches as well as from the pastoral nomads of the area to the Gathering of the Five Armies celebration. Gloin has been told to find some messengers to extend an invitation to the people that live between the River Celduin and the Redwater river. Some of the people living in these areas are not interested in submitting to King of Dale and an Elf and a Woodmen will be seen as neutral parties to not give the impression that the King is demanding submission or fealty. The party will be lent horses to aid in their travels. The first destination to visit will be Lunn Doring a gathering place for the pastoral tribes of the area which is 150 miles South East of Esgaroth. The fellowship travels quickly ( Sigibert Guid...

Sviatobal's Ruffians and A Murder in Laketown - Darkening of Mirkwood - TOR 2e - Solo Game

Sviatobal's Ruffians  (Original adventure based on information from the fan made A Guide to Dale) The Player Characters Hallas: Elf of Mirkwood, Captain Sigibert: Woodman, Champion Photo Source 2946: 14th of May Adventure Phase Gloin was pleased with our help and has another mission for us. There are some refugees hiding in some ruins on the East shore of the lake and we've been asked to bring them to Laketown. I used James R. Brown and Aiden Harrison's Wild Adventures tables to generate the idea for this adventure. Scroll all the way to the bottom to the Files section:  Wild Adventures The fellowship boards a single sail Crayer boat together with some town guards. The fellowship arrives at the ruins but see no signs of people. Do they see any signs of people?  Motif Story Engine: 2, 1, 4.  No - Weak Inconsequential - Neutral or Mildly Favourable. Note: The MSE was used multiple times to learn more about the surroundings and the situation at hand. Hall...

The Marsh Bell - Darkening of Mirkwood - TOR 2e - Solo Game

Darkening of Mirkwood - Campaign Overview The Player Characters Hallas: Elf of Mirkwood, Captain Sigibert: Woodman, Champion Hallas and Sigibert have both been sent to Laketown in order to forge friendships and alliances with the free people of Rhovanion. There they met and have decided to help each other to fulfil the mission given to them by their people. The Marsh Bell (TOR 1e Core Rule Book) Photo Source 2946: 15th of April Adventure Phase Rumours in Esgaroth / Laketown are that some Dwarves have gone missing. Gloin puts out a request for anyone to help find the Dwarves. The meeting with Gloin ( Council ) doesn't go well, Hallas and Sigibert come across as inexperienced and inept. But they have enough information to start searching. The party reaches the marshes after a couple of days of Travel  to the South of Laketown where they encounter som Elves. Their leader Galion says they were tracking the Dwarves but they have disappeared. Galion is Persuaded  by Hallas to...

The One Ring 2e: Darkening of Mirkwood Campaign - Solo Game

I've been playing a solo game of The One Ring 2e over the past year using the material published for the 1st edition game based in Rhovanion / Wilderland. The campaign is specifically based around the books: The Tales from the Wilderland, The Heart of the Wild and The Darkening of Mirkwood . I'm using a combination of these official adventures and source books orginally published by Cubicle 7 for TOR 1e as well as fan made material. I also create scenarios and adventures using random tables, old MERP modules and whatever else I find useful. I'm playing with two player characters that I created using the standard rules found in the core rule book and the People's of Wilderland supplement, except I've calculated the Target Numbers by subtracting the Attribute score from 18 in stead of 20 following the Strider Mode rules. Also the Fellowship score is 3 in stead of 1 per character. Other than that I follow the standard game rules (no Skirmish stance etc.) Resources I u...