The One Ring 2e: Darkening of Mirkwood Campaign - Solo Game

I've been playing a solo game of The One Ring 2e over the past year using the material published for the 1st edition game based in Rhovanion / Wilderland. The campaign is specifically based around the books: The Tales from the Wilderland, The Heart of the Wild and The Darkening of Mirkwood.

I'm using a combination of these official adventures and source books orginally published by Cubicle 7 for TOR 1e as well as fan made material. I also create scenarios and adventures using random tables, old MERP modules and whatever else I find useful.

I'm playing with two player characters that I created using the standard rules found in the core rule book and the People's of Wilderland supplement, except I've calculated the Target Numbers by subtracting the Attribute score from 18 in stead of 20 following the Strider Mode rules. Also the Fellowship score is 3 in stead of 1 per character. Other than that I follow the standard game rules (no Skirmish stance etc.)


I use the Strider Mode Telling Table and oracles as well as other resources including:

Palantir For rolling on the telling table, generating random PCs, weather, locations etc.

Treasure Hoards for The One Ring 2e Generator

Motif Story Engine A simple oracle that uses 3d6 to generate interesting results.

James R. Brown and Aiden Harrison's Wild Adventures rules and tables for generating adventure ideas. These are Middle Earth specific tables for Eastern Eriador, Kingdom of Dale, Lands of the River, Mirkwood and Rohan. Scroll all the way to the bottom to the Files section to find them.

The One Ring - Encounter Balancing

More TOR 2e resources that can be found here: or on the TOR Discord server such as: The Circle of Noms Homebrew Collection (especially useful for the Expanded Adversaries book) and Rafamir's Loremaster Charts.

Web Maps (especially the biome map):

Adventure Logs

I will collect the summary write ups of each adventure below. The summaries are in bullet point format detailing the main events. There is no detailed fiction or written dialogue but you'll get a good sense of what happened and I will go into more detail about things that are exciting, out of the ordinary or important.

I usually don't write in detail about the dice rolls or game mechanics but I will occasionally mention when I used particular skills, highlight particularly good or bad rolls and also show how I frequently use oracles such as the Telling Table from the Strider Mode rules or the Motif Story Engine to learn about relevant details. For example, whether or not there are guards outside the camp, how many of them there are and what they are doing. Or about the disposition of NPCs I meet or the nature of complications and obstacles encountered during an adventure.

To prepare for a pre-made adventure I will read it all the way through and make note of any aspects that could be left up to chance so as not to railroad myself. I will also make adjustments to suit a 2 person fellowship and as the campaign progresses I will make adjustments to make the world stay coherent and consistent. Sometimes I generate adventures or scenarios from scratch using various random tables. Over time various connections will emerge between the randomly generated content and that from pre-made adventures.

1. The Marsh Bell

2. Sviatobal's Ruffians and A Murder in Laketown

3. Shadow Over Dale

4. The Wolves of Rosfen

5. The Siege of Buhr Naurtaja


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