Deciding on a system for a Dark Fantasy solo game

I'd like to run a solo game in a 'Dark Fantasy TM' home-brew world. I'm thinking of a late Antiquity to early Middle Ages technology level, perhaps inspired by the Byzantine / Eastern Roman Empire. I'll aim for a low to medium level of magic and the fantastical, perhaps some magi-tech. More fantastical than what I play with in my Sword & Sorcery Sundaland game with the IronSworn system but less so than the standard D&D fantasy world. 

I'm considering a couple of different systems. Some of the things I'd like to have in the system.

1. Less 'narrative' than IronSworn but not too crunchy. 

2. Characters are not (too) constricted by class. 

3. Interesting character progression and customisation, not just +1s

4. Ability to adjust the level of magic easily.

3. Lots of content and adventures for me to use or borrow from.

The systems I'm considering are:

Adventurer Conquerer King II: This is a D&D variant that has a lot of rules for creating the world (kingdoms, towns, lairs etc) which is useful as a solo player. Proficiencies allow for some character customisation and it's easy to convert D&D and OSR material.

Barbarians of Lemuria: Rules light, but perhaps not interesting enough for a longer campaigns since the character progression rules don't seem very interesting.

Basic Fantasy RPG: Another D&D variant with a lot of free adventures available. The combat system doesn't seem very interesting: Roll to hit and roll to damage. But perhaps there are some house rules for combat manoeuvres and weapon specialties.

Dominion RPG: A system that has interesting combat rules and seems easy to customise.

Shadow of the Demon Lord / Shadow of the Weird Wizard: A d20 game with lots of ways to customise your character as you progress, not needing to stick to one 'class' from start to finish. These systems are very combat focused with almost no rules for social interaction. In a group game this is less of an issue but in a solo game it's nice to have mechanics for that side of the game.

At the moment I'm leaning towards Dominion RPG and ACKSII.

The Dominion RPG has interesting combat rules, seems easily customisable and not too rigid in terms of character progression. And Me, Myself and Die created some house rules for social interactions: The Sage's Library: Dominion Rules. There are no published adventures so I will have to adapt them from other systems or generate them myself.

ACKSII might be a bit more rigid in terms of character customisation and progression and better suited to group play. There is a lot of OSR and D&D content available that's compatible with a little conversion.

I'd like to play a paladin or religious warrior of sort, someone that can take care of themselves in battle, is driven to destroy evil monsters and has some kind of magical or magic like abilities.

I've created a character using each of the systems. As you can see Dominion is based around skills and as far as I know there are no limits on which skills I can choose to develop. In fact I can create new skills if need be. ACKS II is based on old-school D&D and the customisation and character development is determined by which proficiencies I pick as I level up.

Which system do you think would suit a solo game more?

Dominion RPG

Character style: The Crusader (Combat + Priest)

Character Generation Table: 1 = Favourable Rounding (always round up)


Vigour: 3

    Grip: 3

    Muscle: 3

    Climbing: 3

    Swimming: 3

Agility:  2

    Timing: 5

    Stealth: 3

    Horsemanship: 2

Stamina: 2

    Withstand Injury: 4

    Withstand Magic: 2

    Holding Breath: 2

Intuition: 2

    Alertness: 2

Intellect: 1

    Medical Lore: 1

    Literacy: 1

    Heraldry: 1    

Luck: 2

    Favourable Rounding: Yes

    Starting AP: 45

    Gained AP: 

    Spent AP: 44

    Spare AP: 1

Composite Stats

    Combat (Vigour + Agility/2, always round up)

    Strike: 6

    Missile Strike: 3

    Brawling: 3

    Feint: 3

    Disarm: 3

    Dodge: 3

    Parry: 4

    Block: 3

    Movement: 3

    Social (Intuition+Intellect/2, always round up)

    Persuade: 2

    Inspire: 2

    Deceive: 2

    Command: 2

    Intimidate: 2

    Priestcraft (Stamina+Intuition/2, always round up)

    Channel: 2

    Bless: 2

    Consecrate: 2

    Curse: 2

    Defile: 2

    Prophecy: 2

    Heal: 2

    Smite: 2

    Wrath: 2

    Work Miracle: 2

    Resurrect: 2

Weapons and Armour (13 AP)

Broad Sword (2 AP)

Dagger (1 AP)

Sling (1 AP)

Scale Armour (3 AP)

Gorget (2 AP)

Target Shield (2 AP)

Boots Leather (1 AP)

Helm Open Faced (1 AP)

Adventure, Conquerer, King II

Note there is a Crusader template but IMO it's too focused on fighting undead so I went with he Paladin template which seems to be aimed at fighting evil more broadly.

Starting Age: 19

Size: Man sized

Weight: 15 Stone

Language: Common

Alignment: Lawful


Strength: 17 (+2)

Intellect: 9 (0)

Will: 15 (+1)

Dexterity: 14 (+1)

Constitution: 16 (+2)

Charisma: 14 (+1)

Class: Paladin (STR and CHA)

Hit Dice: 1d8

Max Level: 14

Combat Proficiencies: All swords, all spears, all amour proficiencies, all fighting styles.

Class Powers: Aura of Protection, Lay on Hands, Manual of Arms, Sanctified Body, Sense of Evil

AC: 7 (Dex Bonus+Armour+Shield) 

Saving Throws:

Paralysis: 13+

Death: 14+

Blast: 15+

Implements: 16+

Spells: 17+

Attack Throw: 10+

Crusader Template: Vanguard

1 Class Proficiency: Combat Reflexes

1 General Proficiency: Endurance

Encumbrance (Not fully calculated):

Sword: 1/6

Banded Armour: 5

Shield: 1



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